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Tag Archives: Boite

Brésil – Caixa annonce une légère augmentation des revenus des loteries en 2023

Caixa lotteries  shared the financial results for the fiscal year 2023 as part of Caixa Econômica Federal’s annual final presentation. According to the report, the accumulated result for the year 2023 showed revenue of R$23.4 billion. This represents an increase of only 0.9 per cent compared to the total income recorded in 2022 – R$23.2…

Brésil – Lotex retiré du programme de privatisation

The federal government has announced that it has withdrawn the Instant Lottery (Lotex), from the National Privatization Program (PND). The measure was formalized through a decree published today which was published in the Official Gazette of the Union. The decree was co-signed by the acting President of the Republic, Geraldo Alckmin, and the Minister of the…

Brésil – Caixa va entrer sur le marché des paris sportifs en ligne

Caixa Econômica Federal has signed a contract with the global audit, transactions and consulting company Ernst & Young to provide specialized services in structuring a business model for Caixa’s sports betting operations. The information was made official in the Official Gazette notice of the federal government of Brazil. The contract will have a duration of 12 months, effective…

Brésil – Les instantanés seront remis en vente en mars

Special adviser to the Ministry of Finance José Francisco Manssur has confirmed that instant lottery Lotex will be on sale once again in March. The Ministry of Finance authorized Caixa the right to offer instant lottery Lotex on 28 December. New rules give Caixa the right to issue instants for a period of 24 months including online instants  after…

Brésil – Caixa lancera les Instants plus tard cette année

The president of Caixa Econômica Federal  Rita Serrano said that the bank should begin the  roll out of instant lottery Lotex this year. “We are preparing to take over the instant lottery again,” the official said in a press interview, commenting on the bank’s second-quarter results. Serrano also said that Caixa wanted to compete in other lottery modalities,…

Brésil – Année record pour CAIXA

CAIXA Lotteries a annoncé avoir transféré 10.9 milliards de reais en 2022 en programmes de protection sociale vers plusieurs domaines hautement prioritaires du pays, tels que la sécurité, la sûreté publique, la santé, l'éducation, les sports et la culture. Les montants transférés aux bénéficiaires légaux ont atteint l’année dernière des niveaux records et reflètent une croissance de 23% par rapport aux transferts effectués en 2021,…

Brazil – CAIXA board member loses position in riot investigation

The former Minister of Justice and Public Security, Anderson Torres, has been removed from his post from Caixa’s supervisory board. His removal comes  as a result of an investigation into whether he colluded with the storming of congress, the presidential palace and the top court in Brasilia. The attack on the headquarters of the Three…

Brésil – La mairie approuve un nouveau projet de loi sur la loterie à Caxias do Sul

The municipal government of the city of Caxias do Sul filed a bill giving city hall the right to offer a large number of new games establishing the Municipal Public Service of Lotteries. In the explanatory memorandum, officials argue that due to the current economic crisis, it was essential to develop new ways to raise funds. The…

Brazil – Head of CAIXA quits amidst sexual misconduct scandal

Pedro Guimarães, the head of Caixa Economica has resigned amidst allegations of sexual harassment.  Guimarães resigned after reports in press began to emerge that he was under investigation by local law enforcement. His has been replaced by Economy Ministry official Daniella Marques, according to Brazil’s official gazette. Via social media Guimarães claimed that he was…